Landlord Services

Property Management with First National
Real Estate Lewis Prior

At Lewis Prior Home Rentals we take pride in the performance of our Property Management Department.  Our rapid growth over the years has been due to our attention to detail and the professional service that we offer, over and above, simply looking after our Landlords.

The day to day management of our property portfolio pays close attention to ‘Quality Assurance’ principles with written systems and procedures.  These procedures ensure that all matters are attended to in a uniform manner, thus reducing potential traps or inconvenience for our Clients.

If you would like to find out more about our Rental Management Services or arrange a FREE, No Obligation assessment of your property portfolio you may contact the office on 8358 0999, click here to email or visit our office located at 245 Diagonal Road, Warradale SA 5046.

Choose Lewis Prior Home Rentals to Lease & Manage your Residential Investment Property


1. Appliance Instruction Manuals


It is a requirement of the Residential Tenancies Act that Landlords provide their Tenants with a copy of the Manufacturer's Instruction Manuals for all appliances/equipment. Failure to comply with this requirement may leave the Landlord without rights of compensation for the incorrect operation of appliances/equipment.

In the event that Appliance Manuals are not able to be sourced, the Landlord will provide clear, written instructions for the correct use of the appliance/equipment.

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2. Applications / Tenant Selection

Applications from prospective Tenants will include employment information, details of current and previous Landlord references, personal references, next of kin and a 100 point identification check. 

Only after a successful screening process will applications be presented to the Landlord for their authorisation. 

Our policy is that we would rather have a vacant property than take risks with potentially bad Tenants. Damage or devaluation of a property due to bad Tenant selection can be far more expensive than an extra week or two seeking appropriate Tenants.

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3. Change of Landlord's Details


It is very important that our office is notified immediately of any change of postal address, contact phone numbers or email address to ensure consistant communication of relevant information. 

Landlords are also obliged under the Residential Tenancies Act to notify their Tenants in writing of any change to the Landlords name(s) and physical address. At Lewis Prior Home Rentals we would take care of this action on your behalf.

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4. Communication

Communication is the key to good rental management. You should expect prompt attention to all matters and constructive feedback in relation to legal matters, maintenance requirements and Tenant disputes.

Our office phones are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for Emergency situations.

The Principal of Lewis Prior Home Rentals has an open door policy and will make themself available to you regarding any Real Estate matter.

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5. Final/Outgoing Inspection

When a Tenant has given notice to terminate the Tenancy, arrangements will be made for a suitable time to conduct an Outgoing Inspection of the property. A Outgoing Inspection Guide (Cleaning Checklist) will be provided to the Tenant to assist them as they prepare to vacate. 

Bond refunds are only processed after all keys to the property are returned by the Tenant, the satisfactory completion of the Outgoing Inspection and payment of any outstanding monies including rent and final water invoices.

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6. Home Advisory Service

1. Lewis Prior First National Real Estate will provide regular market updates and a Free Home Appraisal service, should you wish to update your records or be considering the refinancing of the property. 

*Click here for a Free Market Appraisal

2. We also provide our Clients with free consultation on the development potential of their properties. Many homes have potential far above the existing use. Sub-division or unit development may significantly increase the overall value of the property, therefore, allowing a Landlord to refinance and increase their rental portfolio.

3. We have many trusted contacts including Building Trades, Building Inspectors, Conveyancers, Finance Brokers, Lawyers, Accountants, etc. We believe that Referral Business is the best form of business.

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7. Industry Affiliations / Training

All of the Lewis Prior First National team attend regular professional development training in order to stay at the peak of their Industry.

We are also proud members of the Real Estate Institute of South Australia and abide by the REISA 'Code of Conduct'.

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8. Landlord Payments / Financial Statements

Payment of funds to our Landlords are made on a Fortnightly basis (Friday) by direct Bank transfer. 

Lewis Prior Home Rentals can arrange to pay accounts on your behalf. These may include Council Rates, SA Water Rates, Strata/Community fees, Landlord Protection Insurance and maintenance contractors if required. The details of these invoices will appear on your regular Statement of Income and Expenditure, creating an easy reference for your Tax Agent or Accountant at tax time.

An End of Financial Year statement is also provided to you.

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9. Landlord Protection Insurance

A couple of recent events encountered by our Landlords have reminded us why we strongly recommend that property owners cover all the possible insurable events.

At first glance a Landlord may feel that their entire property is protected by their Building Insurance. In reality, there are many boxes to tick. Let’s imagine a major water pipe bursts. Standard Building Insurance is likely to be limited to the damage caused to the building plus fixtures including kitchen cupboards but things like floating flooring, carpets and freestanding furniture may not be covered as they are considered to be ‘contents’. It is vital to extend your Insurance to cover ‘Landlord Contents’.

The next area of confusion is Building Insurance Policies that purport to provide ‘Landlord Insurance’. The devil is in the detail. We have seen 2 recent examples that clearly say that the policy provides Landlord Insurance but when you delve deeper you find that that only rent default and malicious damage is covered. This is not complete Landlord Insurance.  Now more than ever we insist that Landlords protect themselves with full Landlord Insurance in addition to their Building Insurance policy. In an ideal world these insurances would be held with the same company. This is to ensure there are no gaps between the policies.

What can go wrong?
  • Loss of rental income
Loss of rent is the most common issue that Landlords experience. Although there are mechanisms for follow up of arrears, non-payment of rent may end up at SACAT in a prolonged dispute. If the property has been damaged, loss of rent can occur whilst repairs are being made.
  • Property damage by the Tenant
This may be malicious or accidental. You may have holes punched in doors, walls damaged, benchtops burned and yet sometimes your best tenant simply has an accident and spills red wine on the carpet. There may even be damage by pets or visitors.
  • Abandoned property
May require rubbish removal and the changing of locks.
  • Contamination – Drug use and manufacture
Unfortunately, we have all heard stories or seen the news of a drug lab causing a fire or contamination. This is a major area of risk currently, with the cost of rectification beyond most landlord’s general affordability.
  • Damage to Landlord Contents
This may occur in the event of burst water pipe or fire whereby the Building Insurance may cover the damage and loss to a building but window treatments, flooring, some appliances, and freestanding items may not be covered.
  • Legal Liability
Legal liability is designed to protect the Landlord, if someone is injured or killed at the property.
Should you have any questions regarding the scope of your current Insurance, feel free to give us a call.

Please note that we are not qualified Insurance Brokers, the information we provide is general in nature and you should seek your own independent advice.

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10. Marketing

All available properties are listed on our weekly 'Rental Properties Available' list and have a photo placed in  our  prominent  colour window display. A 'For Lease ' sign is also erected at the property as we understand many people move within their local neighbourhood.

Properties are also listed on multiple websites including:

All properties will be listed with a detailed description of the property, professional internal/external photos and floor plans where available.  

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11. Property Condition Report

The Ingoing Inspection is an itemised ‘Property Condition Report’ of the cleanliness and condition of the premises at the commencement of the Tenancy Agreement. 

Our Ingoing Inspection will include numberous relevant photos taken, to give us a genuine record of the property condition as well as special features and garden presentation.  A complete photocopy of all the keys provided to the Tenant at the commencement of the Tenancy is included.  This ensures that the Tenant returns all the keys at the conclusion of the Tenancy, thus reducing costs to the Landlord for key cutting.

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12. Rental Bond

Lewis Prior Home Rentals requires that a Bond be paid before the commencement of all Residential Tenancy Agreements. The Bond will be lodged as required with the Consumer and Business Services.

The Bond is held as security against any damage, undue wear and tear and / or outstanding monies owing at the end of the Tenancy.

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13. Rent Collection / Arrears

Rent monies are payable by the Tenants in advance on a Fortnightly basis.

Our Property Managers monitor Rent payments on a daily basis with prompt attention paid to any rent arrears.

Lewis Prior Home Rentals maintains a 'Zero Tolerance Policy' to Rent arrears.

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14. Rent Reviews

Your rental income will directly influence your ability to cover expenses and potentially grow your property portfolio.

We regularly assess the rental income on your property, taking into account the average rents of similar properties in the local area, property condition, quality of the Tenant and length of Tenancy.

Where we see that a rent increase is justified, we will advise you and seek your instructions. There are limitations under the Residentail Tenancies Act regading how often Rent increases can be applied.

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15. Repairs and Maintenance

All repairs and maintenance are referred to our Landlords for authorisation. 

You may choose to use a tradesperson from our ‘Trusted Trades List’ or we will happily arrange the repairs with a tradesperson of your choice. 

We place a high priority on maintenance, as this will ensure that your property will remain in good condition and enjoy excellent capital growth.   

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16. Residential Tenancy Agreement

The standard lease agreement that we use is a Real Estate Institute of South Australia 'Residential  Tenancy Agreement'. In addition to this we have the Tenants sign an Annexure of important additional clauses that are designed to reinforce the Tenants obligations and protect the Landlords interests as much as possible.

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17. Routine Inspections

The first Routine Inspection of the property will take place 6 weeks after a new Tenancy commences. Subsequent inspections will be carried out approximately very 4 months unless required earlier at the discretion of the Property Manager.

A written report will be collated including the general condition/cleanliness of the property. we will also provide details of required repairs/maintenence and recommendations for future improvements and preventative maintenance. 

The reports will be provided to you with any relevant colour photos.

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18. Sales (Thinking of Selling?)

The Lewis Prior team has built an enviable reputation within the First National group and the local area for its sales achievements. Specialising in the sale of residential homes, investment properties and properties with development potential you will benefit by dealing direct with the professionally trained sales team.

*Click here for a Free Market Appraisal

PLEASE NOTE: Landlords who choose to sell their investment property have a number of obligations to their Tenants under the Residential Tenancies Act. Talk to your Property Manager for more information.

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19. Sales of Rental Properties


1. The Landlord is obliged to notify a prospective Tenant, prior to entering into a Residential Tenancy Agreement, if the Landlord has marketeded the property for sale or intends to market for sale. The Landlord is also obliged to notify a prospective Tenant of any existing Sales Agency Agreement for the sale of the property.

The Landlord should advise Lewis Prior Home Rentals of any intention to list their property for sale so that relevant Legislation can be complied with..

2. Where there is an existing Tenancy (or after the first 2 months of a Tenancy) and a Landlord wishes to sell a property, notice is to be immediately served on the Tenant in writing (no later than 14 days from the date of the Sales Agency Agreement being entered in to).

After a notice of the Landlord's intention to sell has been served on the Tenant, 14 days must elapse before the property can be marketed or shown to prospective Purchaser's.

3. Where an existing Landlord has signed a Contract for the sale of the property with an existing Tenancy, notice in writing is to be served on the Tenant (no less than 14 days before the date of Settlement) giving the full details of the new Purchaser and their instructions on rent payments.

4. A new Landlord who has just settled on an investment property must (within 14 days of becoming the new owner) give a written notice to the Tenants giving the Managing Agents name, contact details, address for the service of notices and the new Landlords full name and address.

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20. Service Guarantee

We are confident that our management procedures are second to none and therefore provide a written ‘Guarantee of Service’. If at any time you are dissatisfied with our service we will immediately release you from your Management Agreement and pass on the management file to you.
No Argument - No Excuses - No Delay!

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21. Tenancy Disputes / Residential Tenancies Tribunal

Our record in the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT) speaks for itself and indicates that our choice of Tenants, ‘Quality Assurance’ management procedures and ability to professionally manage Tenancy disputes will give you great peace of mind that your property is in safe hands.

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22. View Available Properties

All of our available rental properties are listed on this site with description, photos and lease terms.

*Just click here to view available properties.

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